Design and Artistic Synthesis

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd / 5th / 7th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Chara Thanou

Course Description

Theory:The development process from sketch to draft, drawing and study of design, which leads to an artistic synthesis as one more integrated final stage, will be examined. We will deal mainly with artists of Modernism and Formalism who associated Fine with Applied Arts as well as with the respective schools and movements (P. Cezanne, H. Matisse, Cubism, Russian avant-garde, Constructivism, Bauhaus, De Stijl, Neo-plasticism, Minimalism, Art Concrete, Conceptual art, H. Bayer, H. Oiticica). Art vocabulary, elements, rules and methods of synthesis and analysis of synthesis as structuring and style. Art workshop: Idea discussion for shaping (design of objects, posters, space, installation or theatre costume) the final presentation may be an individual art proposal or a project (group assignment) which will be accompanied by explanatory texts. Design methods – materials. Importance and properties of materials. Object syntheses, “still life” study, assemblages, and humans as a “model”. Study of volume, texture, colour and light Study of design in space. Research on personal style, aesthetics and functionality of art syntheses of artists.